The does not exist?

i wanna compile pin as the follow link says:

(*) Where '$(IDAMAJMIN)' is the IDA version major/minor. E.g., for IDA 7.6, the final URL would be:

but there is no (

Hello @b1gcat!
Thank you for bringing this out. It looks like the most recent version of PIN tool wasn’t uploaded as planned, and this tutorial needs a bit of revamp in terms of directing the user to the Download Center. We are on it and should provide you with the PIN source for 9.0 shortly.
I’ll keep you posted.

Hi again @b1gcat, the latest PIN Tool for IDA 9.0 and 9.0SP1 is already available in our Download Center in My Hex-Rays portal.

  1. Choose the correct version of IDA in the drop-down menu, and then
  2. Nagivate to SDK and Utilities section. You will find a pin tool there.

Let us know if everything went smooth later on!

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thanks it’s great news

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