IDA Pro 9.1 and Qt: any updates


As my usual question in relation a new and shiny and bright and exciting new version, is there any change or update in the QT version used?
If so, please provide the update build and patch instructions.


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Seems to be the same version. I could add my extra dlls without any problems!


I’ve seen some changes in IDA 9.1 SDK to support Qt 6.8, but it seems like they never finished transition to new version for some reason.

May be next time (9.2)?

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against switching ida to Qt6
since it is not supported by windows 7

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While we try our best to support as many platforms as is possible, postponing the switch to Qt6 for retaining support for Windows 7, would be … strategically unsound.

Mainstream support for Windows 7 has been dropped for ~10 years now, and sticking to Qt5 means (among other things) that we won’t have proper Hi-DPI support in upcoming versions of IDA.

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there are no statistics on IDA users and what OS they use

but for example VLC having a huge audience of users
take care of this
and made patches for Qt6 so that VLC would work even on Windows 7

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While you are correct that we don’t collect statistics on the OSes & versions our users run, I like to entertain the idea that the majority of them, who are often working in security-sensitive environments, don’t run an OS that’s been out of support for 10 years.

That being said, once we switch to Qt 6.8.x we’ll publish the patch + build instructions, and anyone should (of course) feel absolutely free to apply those patches & rebuild it to their liking (and even share it!) : we will certainly not actively prevent IDA from running on any platform!

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